Thursday, January 17, 2013

Beauty Resolution #2 - Blog More!

Following on from my last post about my first beauty resolution, I thought I'd share another with you...

#2 - Blog More

I know, I know..every blogger and their cat has this resolution, but I figure there is room for that particular bandwagon for me too!

I've never been a regular blogger. I envy those who blog multiple times a day. I wish I was that organised, had posts all scheduled and ready to go...but I'm not. For me, blogging is quite an organic thing; sometimes I could blog for hours and at other times my blogging mojo disappears and my little corner of the internet becomes very quiet.

So, what are my plans then?

First up, I am going to make full use of times where I feel like blogging. Now, I realise this does seem like I am stating the obvious, but what I mean is that I will draft up posts while I'm in the blogging groove and that way I should have a pool of posts ready to put the finishing touches to and make live. Easy!

Next thing is to keep a notebook in my bag. I'm always thinking up ideas for posts and things to review, but I am so forgetful that writing these ideas down as they happen should help me focus. Plus, it'll help me to plan what I need to photograph, which brings me to my next point...

I'm not a fan of Winter for many reasons, one of which is the fact that from Monday - Friday I seem to go to work and come back from work in the dark! The natural daylight is long gone by the time I get in from work. This makes photographing things for my blog really difficult, as I want you to be able to see the true colours of things I'm talking about without it being all dark and shadowy. So, I am going to dedicate a hour or so over the weekend to photographing things for my blog. That way, I'll have all my photos ready for during the week when I have time to blog.

Lastly, I want to set some goals for my blog. I want to blog at least once a week. When you consider that I currently blog, at most, once a month I think that is manageable for me. I also want to increase the traffic to my blog through posting more and promoting myself more through social media. I do this sporadically at the moment, but I want to try and be more vocal during the #bbloggers twitter chats and such like.

Do any of you have any other tips for being more organised to blog more?

I have one more beauty resolution to share with you, so stay tuned for that very soon!

Take care x

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